Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon:
I heartily endorse passage of the POWER Act, sponsored by Senators Barrasso, Lummis, and other western Senators. Wyoming, like most Western states, contains significant lands and minerals that are owned by the federal government. For generations, the federal government has recognized that multiple-use of those lands is essential to the economies and environment of states like Wyoming. Unfortunately, a sudden, widespread and devastating halt of federal leasing of fossil fuels and minerals makes that long-honored practice moot. Sweeping actions such as this also fail to recognize the outstanding conservation and multiple-use efforts that states like Wyoming have conducted through partnerships with industry, NGOs, and private landowners.
The potential financial losses are catastrophic. A one-year oil and gas leasing ban could result in more than $2 billion in investment loss by oil and gas companies in Wyoming and a tax revenue loss to Wyoming of $300 million according to a recently completed University of Wyoming study.
This bill would provide that Congress would have to agree to an energy or mineral moratorium and help avoid the overreach of one branch of government. Since federal laws provide for the leasing of fossil fuels and minerals, it is appropriate that Congress would have to agree to such a departure from the intent of federal law. It is disappointing that such a law is necessary, but it is.
American Energy Alliance:
“The will of Congress regarding the management of federal mineral development is clearly spelled out in statute. However, with the Biden administration threatening various tactics to subvert this clear instruction, this legislation is important and timely. This legislation ensures that any change to federal mineral leasing is passed through Congress, not undertaken by unilateral executive action.” Tom Pyle, President
U.S. Oil & Gas Association statement:
“In its haste to make good on campaign promises, the Biden Administration failed to consider or account for the negative impacts on conservation, open space, wildlife habitat and our national parks this action will have. The Great America Outdoors Act which Congress passed last year depends entirely on a robust federal onshore and offshore royalties to fund those conservation goals and yet – if there are no new leases or permits – there are no new royalties to provide open space, new wildlife habitat or repair our national parks.”
Wyoming Mining Association:
“The Wyoming Mining Association fully supports the POWER Act and appreciates the leadership of Senator Lummis, as well as Senator Barrasso. Wyoming and many other states rely on the responsible development of our natural resources for good paying jobs and vital revenue to state and local governments. Federal lands in Wyoming provide raw materials that all American’s use every day. Restricting access to Wyoming’s coal, trona and other resources for specious political reasons will have a very significant negative impact on real people in our communities. We applaud Senator Lummis’ work to stop such misguided efforts.” Travis Deti – Executive Director, Wyoming Mining Association
Western Energy Alliance:
“Western Energy Alliance strongly supports Senator Lummis’ bill to explicitly prohibit any ban on leasing or permitting, whether temporary or permanent. Although the law (the Mineral Leasing Act and Energy Policy Act of 2005) is clear that a president does not have the power to ban leasing or permitting, that is not stopping President Biden from moving forward. Therefore, it is important for Congress to reassert its authority.
“While some argue that a one-year leasing ban is just a pause and there’s plenty of land already under lease, that does not mean it’s lawful or that it won’t have impact. Development projects, even those that mainly target private, state or tribal oil and natural gas, can be held up while waiting for adjacent federal acreage to be leased. Those spillover effects are why a University of Wyoming professor found that even a one-year ban on leasing will kill $5 billion in GDP in the West and 32,700 jobs. In Wyoming, it would kill $1.3 billion in GDP, 8,950 jobs, and $290 million in state tax revenue. President Biden is willing to sacrifice western livelihoods at the altar of climate change, even though prohibiting oil and natural gas on public lands does nothing for the climate, as the production is replaced elsewhere in the country or imported from overseas.” – Kathleen Sgamma, President, Western Energy Alliance
Heritage Action:
“America’s energy industry leads the world and provides millions of well-paying jobs, but our energy advantage is now under threat from the Biden administration’s efforts to kill new leases and permits. I applaud Sen. Lummis for stepping up, introducing this critical legislation, and fighting to save American jobs from the far-Left climate agenda. Jessica Anderson, Executive Director
Independent Petroleum Association of America:
IPAA quote: “IPAA proudly supports Senator Lummis’ legislation to prohibit the President from issuing a moratorium on federal lands leasing and permitting of oil and gas development. Federal lands operate under a multiple use policy that stipulates our nation’s public lands be available for a wide range of activities, including mineral development, recreation, agriculture, and other uses. The royalties collected from mineral production on these public lands help fund western state budgets, including schools, transportation and other infrastructure projects where a bulk of land mass is federally owned. States that house a large portion of federal lands depend on revenue from mineral development to ensure the fiscal health in their state. IPAA applauds Senator Lummis for her reasonable approach.” Mallori Miller, Vice President of Government Relations, IPAA
Petroleum Association of Wyoming:
“President Biden’s attempts to gut America’s energy dominance is a direct assault on federal law, the principle of multiple-use and an unprecedented disruption to Wyoming’s way of life. Natural gas and oil produced on federal lands pay for Wyoming schools and infrastructure while employing thousands of hard-working men and women in Wyoming. The Petroleum Association of Wyoming thanks Senator Lummis for her leadership in defending Wyoming’s largest industry and lends its full support to getting the POWER Act passed into law.” Pete Obermueller, PAW President
Americans for Prosperity:
“President Biden’s decision to prohibit development of new energy resources on federal lands and waters unnecessarily restricts access to the affordable, reliable energy that enables economic opportunity, environmental progress, and innovations necessary to fight COVID-19. Even before the pandemic, many low-income American families had to devote more than 20 percent of their after-tax income to energy costs, and this action will further exacerbate energy poverty by causing bills for electricity and heating as well as prices at the pump to rise dramatically across the country. Moreover, this unilateral White House action, contrary to promises made by President Biden, runs roughshod over the prerogatives and obligations of states, Congress, and federal agencies. The POWER Act would serve to rein in these executive actions to within their lawful and proper bounds while ensuring Americans have access to affordable energy, reliable energy.” Clint Woods, Policy Fellow
American Petroleum Institute:
“This action will hit all Americans and their checkbooks – at the gas pumps, grocery stores and at home. Its greatest negative impact is on the residents of states with large swaths of federal land. Resource development on federal land provides good-paying jobs, tax revenues for local communities and states, and cheaper energy for all Americans. An analysis by OnLocation found that this ban would decimate our economy, costing potentially $700 billion in GDP and driving up energy costs for U.S. households by up to $19 billion over the next decade, and destroying up to a million jobs this year.”
The Uranium Producers of America:
“The Uranium Producers of America applaud Senator Lummis for introducing the POWER Act to prevent bans on the production of energy and critical minerals like uranium on federal land. Our industry is critical to providing emissions-free nuclear power. We are proud of our exemplary record in protecting the public, our employees, and the environment in the communities where we work and live. The POWER Act will protect local economies and jobs from executive overreach and ensure responsible energy and mineral production that is so important to our national and economic security,” said Ralph Knode, President of the Uranium Producers of America