2024 Wyoming Funding Summit

Home 5 2024 Wyoming Funding Summit

Register for the 3-day funding summit (Wednesday-Friday) by filling out the form below!

If you have any questions, please contact Kathy Lenz at : Kathy_lenz@lummis.senate.gov or 307-287-1474

Registration is now closed for the grant writing classes on Monday and Tuesday.

Hotel room blocks are available at government rates:

Hampton Inn
2500 N Federal Blvd, Riverton, WY 82501

Holiday Inn
900 E Sunset Dr, Riverton, WY 82501

Wind River Hotel and Casino
180 Red Wolf Place, Riverton, WY 82501

Shoshone Rose Casino & Hotel
5690 US-287, Lander, WY 82520

6 + 3 =

The full agenda is below.

Monday-Friday; April 8-12, 2024


8:15 amSummit Kickoff & “Setting the Stage”

Kathy Lenz, Resource & Economic Development Manager for U.S. Senator Cynthia Lummis

8:20 – 8:30 amWelcome

Governor Mark Gordon’s staff 

8:30 – 8:45 amGrant Writing and Management Seminar Overview

Introductions – Christine Emminger, State Budget Department 

Monday, April 8th and Tuesday April 9th                         ITECC Rm 125 and  Rm 116

Federal and State Grant Writing & Management Seminar facilitated by Hagerty Consulting

(Certificate eligible with full course attendance)


Initiating the grant seeking process and identifying funders can be overwhelming. Hagerty Consulting grant training program is designed to help individuals and organizations navigate complex grant-seeking processes and identify potential funders at two different levels. This year we are excited to offer separate classes to meet you at your level of expertise: 1.0 for the novice grant writer and 2.0 for the more experienced. Through collaborative discussion and group think-tank exercises, participants will learn to think through the grant processes needed to achieve grant funding awards.

Monday, April 8th

9:00 am – 12:00 pm                 Lunch and Breaks (provided onsite with registration)

Introduction: Grants Management Lifecycle, 1 hour.

Infrastructure, Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) and Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) overview, 1 hour

Grants Tool Introduction, 1 hour

Compliance Infrastructure, 1 hour

1:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Pre-Award Phase: Opportunity Identification, Fund Mapping and Application Development, Panel Discussion TBD

Tuesday, April 9th

9:00 am – 1:00 pm                   Lunch and Breaks (provided onsite with registration)

Interactive Time – Discuss local projects, case study presentation – 1 hour

Guided Exercises, 2 hours

BCA deep-dive, 1 hour

1:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Post-Award Phase – Subrecipient monitoring, closeout, records retention, building compliance infrastructure

Wrap-up (take credit for wins, creating dashboards, communicating data, communicate successes), 1 hour

5:00 pm – 7:00 pm                                  Cohorts & Cocktails Reception, Sponsored     

                                                                                                            by MC2Collaborative

  Light Hors d’oeuvres & refreshments

                                                                                                         2255 Brunton Court, Suite A

Wednesday, April 10th                                                                                           Arts Center Theater

8:30 – 8:45 am: Flag Presentation – American Legion Post 096, Col Billy Farris Arapaho Warriors

8:45 – 9:30 amWelcome & “Setting the Stage” for Second Half of Seminar

Dr. Brad Tyndall, President of Central Wyoming College

Kathy Lenz, Resource & Economic Development Manager for U.S. Senator Cynthia Lummis

9:30 – 9:45 am: Video Remarks from U.S. Senators John Barrasso and Cynthia Lummis & Governor Mark Gordon

9:45 – 10:00 amHighlights of Funding Programs

10:05 – 10:15 amBreak

10:15 – 12:30 pm: Energy – Learn everything you need to know about funding opportunities in the energy sector from state and federal agencies.

Moderator: Anja Richmond, Wyoming Energy Authority

Brian Anderson, Department of Energy – Energy Opportunities from DOE and Overview of Eligible Tax Credits

CliftonLarsonAllen- tax credit benefits

Hans Reimer, Department of Energy – Loan Program

Cynthia Dettloff, USDA RD – Rural Energy for America Program

Patrick Millin, Wyoming Energy Authority – Funding Opportunities

CliftonLarsonAllen-IRA Tax Credit Opportunities Presentation

Eastern Shoshone Housing Authority- Energize the Wind River

12:30 – 1:30 pmLunch (provided onsite with registration)

1:30 – 3:30 pmDevelopment – Theater                                                       Workforce-ITC


Development – This session presents all the nuts and bolts to survive and thrive in funding those essential projects.

Moderator: Maddie Lewis, University of Wyoming

Kyle McCormick, FEMA and Ashley Paulsrud, Wyoming Office of Homeland Security-Hazard Mitigation, Assistance & BRIC Technical Assistance

Lillian Freed, USDA RD-USDA Rural Development’s Water & Environmental Programs

Keith Guille, WY DEQ- Diesel Emissions Reduction Act Grant and Volkswagen Settlement Funds

Louisa Lopez, Wyoming Outdoor Recreation Office & Division of State Parks & Trails-introductions to LWCF (Land and Water Conservation Fund), RTP (Recreation Trails Program), and OHV partnership grants (state-funded grants).

Amanda Rogers, Department of Transportation-RAISE program, SS4A, and the Rural Surface Transportation Grant program.

Jacob Bustos and Kacey Brown, WY DOT – A Two-Way Street: Sharing Transportation Needs, Priorities, and Ideas to Maximize Grant Benefits

Scott Davis, USDA RD – Rural Broadband, Distant Learning & Telemedicine Funding Opportunities

Corey Carmack, Tribal Liaison, DOE-virtual

Workforce – Learn about the resources and funding available to businesses, local governments and community-based organizations through the public workforce system.

Moderators: Frank Stluka and Liz Gagan

Frank Stluka, Department of Labor/ETA 

Elizabeth Gagan, Wyoming Department of Workforce Services.

Aaron Pratt, EDA

Noelle Kron and Shelly McAlpin, ServeWyoming

Amy Lea and John Hart SBA- SBA Resources for Employer Firms & Community and Small Business Representation in the Federal Regulatory Process  

Lorraine Werner, USDA RD – USDA Rural Development’s Community Facilities Direct Loan & Grant Program

Cynthia Dettloff, USDA RD – Business & Industry Loan Guarantees, Rural Business Development Grants Value-Added Producer Grants

3:30-5:30 pm: Resources for Non-Profits & Low-Capacity Entities – Theater

Lisa Mueller and Anna Edwards-MC2 Collaborative 

If You “Self-Identify” as LOW CAPACITY…

This session is designed to empower low capacity and non-profit, non-government entities and will focus on three key areas: Organizational Behavior Improvement, Breaking Down Silos, and Efficiency in Grant Writing. Attendees will also have the opportunity to network with peers, share experiences, and learn from successful case studies. This session is ideal for grant writers, non-profit leaders, and anyone interested in improving organizational behavior and enhancing efficiency.

Thursday, April 11th

8:30 – 9:30 amState update and Announcements

Kristin Walker, Chief of Staff for U.S. Senator Cynthia Lummis 

Jamie Gronski, State Director for U.S. Senator John Barrasso

Drew Perkins, Chief of Staff for Governor Mark Gordon

9:30 – 9:45 amBreak

9:45 – 12:15 pmCapacity

Capacity – Do you have limited resources and staff? Is there just not enough of you to go around? This session is packed full of resources to build your ability to plan, apply and manage grant funding, no matter what your situation.

Moderators: Christine Emminger, State Budget Department

Christine Emminger, State Budget Department-Introduction of Hagerty Consulting and a Brief History of Efforts to Secure more Federal and State Funding Opportunities

David Dorian, EPA Region 8-TCTAC and Grantmaker Program

Aaron Pratt, EDA and Paul Huberty and Erica Yarber, Eastern Shoshone Tribe-EDA Wind River Grant Opportunity

Cynthia Winland, DOE-Energy Communities Clearinghouse

Noelle Kron and Shelly McAlpin, ServeWyoming

Barbara Benoy, EPA Region 8 and Cindi Martinez, WY DEQ – Brownfields Funding

Amanda Rogers, DOT – Thriving Communities Program, Rural and Tribal Assistance Pilot Program, the DOT Navigator, and the ROUTES Initiative

12:15 – 1:15 pm: Lunch (provided onsite with registration)

1:15 – 3:15 pmWater Infrastructure – Theater                           Housing-ITC Classroom

Moderator: Tom Leatherbee, Hagerty Consulting

Beth Blackwell, Office of State Lands & Investments

Keenan Hendon, Wyoming DEQ- SRF Program, Lead Service Line Program, Emerging Contaminants, Capacity Development, Asset Management and Technical Assistance

Noelle Reed, Wyoming Business Council – Business Ready Program

Chace Tavelli, Wyoming Water Development Commission Funding

Bent Bents, EPA, Region 8

Lillian Freed, USDA RD- Water and Environmental Programs with Rural Development

Housing – Learn about the housing opportunities you didn’t know were available.

Moderators: Dru Palmer, Governor’s Office

Mark Feilmeier, HUD, Grace Torres, WCDA – Housing opportunities, HOME funds, Indian Community Development Block Grant (ICDBG)

David Dorian, EPA Region 8 – Community Change Grants

Jessica Taylor, USDA RD – Single Family Housing Direct Home Loans and Single Family Repair Loans and Grants Programs

3:15 – 3:30 pmBreak

3:30 – 5:30 pmCommunity Builders

Community Builders – Essential Tools everyone needs to succeed in the funding world.

Moderators: Jennifer Thomson, Governor’s Office

Clara Chaffin, Community Development Director for the City of Douglas and Angela Parker, WYOPASS – The Importance of Planning for Grants

Selena Gerace and Maddie Lewis, University of Wyoming School of Energy Resources – Community Benefits Plan Toolbox

Amber Power, Wyoming Business Council – Community Development

Kaycee Hurless and Lorie Ordiway, WCDA -CDBG Program

Aaron Pratt, EDA and Heather Tupper, Wyoming Business Council-CEDS

Mike Martin, Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation – UW Entrepreneurial Concierge/Referral System and Ecosystem Mapping Project

Friday, April 12th

8:30 – 11:00 amNetworking with Funding Agencies

All federal and state partners will be present for one-on-one conversations. Bring your grants and ask your questions.

Thank you to our partners:

Office of Governor Mark Gordon

University of Wyoming-presenting partner

Wyoming Department of Workforce Services 

Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality 

Wyoming Association of Municipalities

Wyoming Business Council

Central Wyoming College


Check out highlights from the first Wyoming Funding Summit last year.

In 2023, Senator Lummis joined Senator John Barrasso and Governor Mark Gordon in hosting a first of its kind event providing free professional instruction, access to agency representatives and various resources to help localities, counties and non-government organizations (NGOs) apply for, secure and manage federal funds.

The Wyoming Federal Funding Summit was held in Sheridan, Wyoming and featured a grant writing intensive provided by MC2 Collaborative in conjunction with David Piantanida, Media Officer/Congressional Liaison, U.S. EPA Region 8 Public Affairs.

In addition to the federal grant writing and management workshop, there were additional panels and discussions on Infrastructure, Investment & Jobs Act (IIJA) and Inflation Reduction Act funding, technical assistance and grant management.

Please find the videos of the summit and presentations from the guests below.