One of my favorite times of the year is here, as county fairs are kicking off around Wyoming. Growing up, I showed shorthorn cattle at fair and it is one of my favorite memories. Every year, I look forward to seeing children around the state showcasing their animals and entries. Nothing brought to fair was thrown together the night before. It takes weeks and months to raise or create something worth its salt. The process starts months before fair and requires daily diligence and care. The kids that show up at fair are some of the most disciplined and hard working individuals you will ever meet. They are up before school caring for their animals, and they come straight home to care for and train them. We could all stand to adopt some of their practices and their work ethic.
I owe so much of who I am now to what I learned on my family ranch and at fair. It is a part of who I am, and a part of the fabric of Wyoming. I am grateful for those I have met at fairgrounds across our state and for the standout students I have had the opportunity to meet because of their involvement in 4H and FFA.
Best of luck to all of those who are showing this summer. Hold on to the lessons you learn and the memories you make. They will benefit you for years to come!

Laramie County Fair, August 2021