Lummis Responds to Biden State of the Union Address

March 2, 2022

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Cynthia Lummis (R-WY) responded to President Joe Biden’s first State of the Union speech tonight.

“The State of the Union is that prices are up, inflation is up, crime is up, and the need for American energy is up,” Senator Lummis said. “The Biden presidency has been marked by record illegal immigration, unconstitutional mandates and attacks on America’s energy independence. The energy producers in Wyoming have made our state the top net energy supplier in the country. We want to help America become the energy supplier for the free world. Instead, under President Biden, the U.S. has actually been an importer of Russian energy. This is unacceptable.

“If President Biden wants to lower energy prices for cars and homes, I have some ideas: Restart the Keystone XL Pipeline project. Fast-track energy infrastructure projects around the country. Get energy regulators out of the way so states can more easily approve natural gas pipelines.

“He should fast-track energy production on federal lands. Wyoming is rich in energy resources, and we can move quickly if the federal government is our partner, not our opponent. We also need to prevent America’s big banks and financial regulatory agencies from black-listing the energy sector so energy producers can get the loans and services they need to start new projects and increase production.

“Instead of tapping our strategic petroleum reserves, we should be unleashing our energy production potential. Instead of trying to spend more on progressive policies, we should be working together to address inflation and our national debt. There are Democrats who want to work on these issues with Republicans. I just wish President Biden were one of them.

“I was pleased to see President Biden voice his concern for the way that social media is influencing our children. I’m proud to be sponsoring the NUDGE Act to start reining in Big Tech by targeting their algorithms in a content agnostic manner. I hope Democrats and Republicans can work together on this issue, to protect our kids.

“Thankfully, Republicans and Democrats have been united in our support for the people of Ukraine, and our opposition to Vladimir Putin and his cronies in Russia. While President Biden waited too long to sanction Russia, I’m glad to see the efforts that he and our European allies have taken since the Russian invasion to punish Putin for his actions. We must continue using sanctions, while supporting Ukraine with our aid.”
