Senator Lummis Introduces Resolution to Celebrate Domestic Energy Producers

September 29, 2023

WASHINGTON, D.C.— Today, Senate Western Caucus Chair Cynthia Lummis (R-WY) introduced a resolution alongside Senators John Barrasso (R-WY), Jim Risch (R-ID), Mike Crapo (R-ID), Pete Ricketts (R-NE), Bill Cassidy (R-LA), John Hoeven (R-ND), Dan Sullivan (R-AK), James Lankford (R-OK), Ted Cruz (R-TX), Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV) and Kevin Cramer (R-ND) to designate October 4, 2023, as National Energy Appreciation Day to celebrate the men and women who work to power the United States. 

“Every single day Wyoming energy producers work tirelessly to power our nation, and I am introducing this resolution to show the energy industry how much I appreciate everything they do to make our country a better place,” said Lummis. “As this administration continues to put our domestic energy producers on the backburner with its war on American energy, it is essential that we pause to recognize and celebrate their invaluable contributions to our daily lives that we so often take for granted.” 

“Wyoming is the energy breadbasket of the nation. From coal, oil, and natural gas to uranium and wind – you name it, Wyoming has it. Today on National Energy Appreciation Day, we celebrate the miners, engineers, rig hands and all others who are working each and every day to power our nation,” said Barrasso.

“Millions of men and women across the Lone Star State and nation work tirelessly every day to provide our country with the world’s cleanest energy,” said Cruz. “I am proud to join Sen. Lummis and my colleagues in introducing legislation to provide the U.S. energy sector with the recognition it deserves, especially as we battle the Biden administration’s war on American oil and gas.”

“West Virginia is a proud energy-producing state, and our workforce in that field has long contributed to our culture and traditions. Their work to bolster American energy does far more than just keeping the lights on – it strengthens our national security and improves the lives of our people, country, and world. I’m proud to join my colleagues to establish National Energy Appreciation Day and will continue to support an all-of-the-above American energy future,” Capito said.

“From our hydroelectric capabilities to the cutting edge research done at the Idaho National Lab in advanced nuclear energy, Idaho has long been a leader in clean energy generation,” said Risch. “The National Energy Appreciation Day resolution is recognition of the safe, responsible, and reliable power that fuel our everyday lives.”

“Domestic energy production is vital to our nation’s prosperity and security,” said Crapo. “I join in honoring the people who power America for their contributions that improve the quality of life here at home and around the world.”

“As the Biden administration continues to wage war on American energy, it has never been more important to emphasize the vital role energy production plays in our country,” Sullivan said. “My great state of Alaska, and many states like it, have the resources we need to promote America’s energy independence and strengthen our national security while providing millions of jobs for hard-working Americans. As we confront a new era of authoritarian aggression led by dictators in Russia, China, and Iran, it’s imperative we leverage one of our country’s greatest strengths: energy. I am glad to introduce our resolution designating October 4th as National Energy Appreciation Day to celebrate the abundance of American energy.” 

“Unleashing American energy is essential to our continued prosperity, safety, and security,” said Ricketts. “I’m proud to join this resolution to celebrate the industries and innovations that fuel our lives and support millions of families across this country.”  

“This National Energy Appreciation Day resolution is a celebration of the people who work to provide the energy we rely on every day,” said Cramer. “Whether it’s fueling our cars, heating and cooling our homes, or illuminating the night, American energy producers do it best.”

“Over 140,000 Louisianans work in the energy sector each day,” said Cassidy. “These men and women are the reason we have gas to put in our cars and electricity to turn on our lights. Thank you for all you do to power the American economy!”

“Our nation is blessed with abundant energy resources, which have been a central part in growing our economy, providing good job opportunities and supporting a higher quality of life,” said Hoeven. “We should treat all of our energy reserves, including coal, oil and gas, as the strategic asset they are, and we will continue working to fully utilize their potential to ensure our economic and national security.”


American energy plays an integral role in keeping energy affordable, reliable and efficient while also supporting economic growth and creating upward mobility. Not only have domestic energy advancements greatly reduced emissions, but widespread access to energy has more than doubled life expectancy and reduced the percentage of people living in poverty to less than 10%. 

The American energy industry accounts for more than seven million jobs and ultimately supports more than ten million jobs across the United States. 

Federal oil and natural gas leases for offshore development brought in more than $22 billion for the federal government in 2022, and the U.S. oil and natural gas industry generates nearly $1.8 billion in gross domestic product annually. 

Read a copy of the resolution here
