Senator Lummis Seeks Answers about Supply Chain Disruptions to Wyoming Businesses

December 7, 2021

WASHINGTON, D.C. –Today, U.S. Senator Cynthia Lummis (R-WY) sought answers from leading American shippers and supply chain experts about supply chain problems occurring at U.S. ports. During a hearing before the Senate Commerce Subcommittee on Surface Transportation, Maritime, Freight, and Ports, Senator Lummis pressed shipping CEOs and union officials for answers about continued U.S. port backups. The United States has been plagued by shipping problems this year, which has left cargo ships sitting in ports waiting for space to unload. Skyrocketing inflation and supply chain disruptions have led to empty shelves and higher prices in Wyoming and the rest of the country.

“The people of Wyoming are experiencing supply chain issues first-hand, from higher prices for staple foods, to a lack of needed home goods,” Senator Lummis said. “It’s time that President Biden and his administration take action to cut red tape and speed up shipping processes. The COVID-19 pandemic has put our country in a precarious position, and vaccine mandates and reckless government spending are making the problem worse. If we put aside politics and focus on serving the American people, we can fix these problems for the Christmas season and beyond.”

The hearing, titled “Uncharted Waters: Challenges Posed by Ocean Shipping Supply Chains,” featured as witnesses John Butler, CEO of World Shipping Council; Greg Regan a department president at the AFL-CIO; Paul Doyle, CEO of Coastal Automotive; and Norman Krug, CEO of Preferred Popcorn.

Last month, Senator Lummis sent a letter to President Biden offering commonsense ideas to help address America’s supply chain crisis during the Christmas season. Click here to read that letter.
