Build Back Broke
Today, the House of Representatives passed President Biden’s “Build Back Better” agenda. I won’t parse my words. This plan would be a disaster for the people of Wyoming and for people across this country. This is the largest expansion of government in modern history....

Wyoming’s Energy Future
Wyoming literally powers the nation. Our state produces 14 times more energy than we consume, making us the largest net exporter of energy in the nation. We do that with the cleanest burning coal in the world. Not only is it the cleanest, we are learning how to make...

Riding Herd on Federal Agencies
The role of the government is to serve its citizens. While the COVID-19 pandemic dramatically altered the way we conduct business in every sector of our economy, the already inefficient federal government has failed to adequately respond. Like many Americans, federal...

‘Build Back Better’ Means More Government, More Debt & More Taxes
Over and over again, the Biden administration has tried to sell their “Build Back Better” plan to the American people. The thing is, they’re trying to sell us a bill of goods that we just aren’t interested in buying. Folks in Wyoming know better. We know that $3.5...

Who Should have the Rights to your Data?
Social media, especially Facebook, is an important tool in Wyoming. We use it to keep in touch with our friends and family all over the world. We use it to keep up with the news, what our elected officials are doing, and what is going on in our communities. But...

Defending Your Right to Privacy
https://youtu.be/678IolEj-B8 Senator Lummis grills Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on an invasive IRS reporting proposal. This past month, I received thousands of calls, letters, and emails from people, banks and businesses around Wyoming concerning a new proposed IRS...

COVID-19 Mandates & Keeping Wyoming Open
Since coming to the Senate in January, I have received thousands of letters, emails, and phone calls from constituents concerned about COVID-19, the vaccine, and mask and vaccine mandates. I hear your concerns, and I want to take a couple minutes to address those...

Wyoming Roundup
After an eventful end to the Senate work period in D.C., I returned to Wyoming to meet with constituents around the state. As I've travelled from county to county, I've had the opportunity to talk to people from many different walks of life. I ask them how they're...

Money, Money, Money
This week, the Senate finished consideration of a $1.2 trillion infrastructure package. We then moved immediately into consideration of a staggering $3.5 TRILLION “human infrastructure” package. The Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework, while far from perfect, includes...

Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework
This week, the Senate has been working on the Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework, or the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. Since the beginning, I’ve said that infrastructure can and should be bipartisan. I want to commend my colleagues who have worked...